Akademik Konuşma Becerileri dersi, ODTÜ, Bilkent ve Başkent Üniversitesi başta olmak üzere öğrenim dili İngilizce olan üniversitlerde YÖK tarafından verilmesi zorunlu kılınan bir derstir. ODTÜ'de ENG 211 olarak bilinen dersin 3 büyük ödevi bulunmaktadır: Bunlardan ikisi sunum bir tanesi ise rapordur.

"Speech Analysis Report" ödevi, bu dersin tek yazılı ödevidir.Öğretim üyesinin sizlere verdiği video, music, film, konuşma ya da tartışma materyalini incelemenizi istediği bu ödevin bir örneği aşağıdaki gibidir:

Speech Analysis Report

                I watched “Bill Gates Presentation about Education” speech which was presented for TED Talks by William Henry Bill Gates, one of the founders of Microsoft Software Company. I chose this speech because of the title which includes “education” and “Bill Gates”. The main purpose of the speech is talk relationship between great teachers who make education better and development of a country over with audiences. I have interest to education and technology because of my department and my job therefore I was so careful in the watching process of this speech. It helped for my job dimension and for my presentation styles. He was so successful in his speech.

                Speaker stated that he would be starting with two important and really different questions to his presentation. In this step, he took attention for these important questions by using classic taking attention styles: giving outline and asking question. He did not introduce himself at the beginning of the speech. If that was a student presentation or was a company advertisement presentation, there would have been need for introducing himself but I think that he did not prefer introduce himself as he is a famous businessman and his audience know about him many things. He did not give the outline on the slide board. I think that he moderated the speech effectively because of his recognition by any person in the place and he controls his voice and body for taking attention at the same level over the presentation. He did not used his hands and body for showing so many things in the speech as he was talking about an abstract issue(effectiveness of education and teacher) then he wanted to take attention to speech not acts of him. He classified the speech with his words not with a slideshow. He used presentation file at the back of him for make people imagined what he reflects in his ideas; he did not stay depend on the slide show. I think that this was the most effective moderation technique for a presenter. He was so clear in his speech with using simple sentences and using life based examples. He also supported his ideas with different styles such as statistics and life based examples. He successfully integrated both life and scientific statistics with together. He had a good transition style for example he used transition sentences like “so how do you make education better? “ for passing to the second question of the presentation smoothly and in relation with the previous subtopic. He concluded the speech with the first question of the speech “How do you make a teacher great?” and stating his reflection about the topic. He stated that he was so optimistic about importance of the education for developing a country.   As I mentioned before, he talked with so simple sentences which made the speech easily followed by me and I think that by audience. He also used his voice effectively for example in some places of his speech; he made his voice been surprised while he was saying “Wouuw”. His physical delivery was simple and also effective. He acted some words of him for example he ran while he was talking about running. He moderated his voice and also body great. He used a presentation about the speech. He started to use it at the beginning of the speech but the first slide was placed so much time for me. He could use some different images despite of only one image for the first part of the speech. He used the presentation so limited time. I think that not using presentation for all the speech showed his powerful moderation skill and knowledge level about the content.  Presentation design was simple and clear. Although he used images for backgrounds, he could differentiate the text and the images of the presentation. I think that presentation was enough clear and good designed for the speech. It did not crash the interests for the topic.

To sum up, speech was so related with my job which made me chose it so I analyzed the speech not only for the English 211 course but also for the job development dimension of my life. The speech was designed and planed so carefully for taking attention to the topic and making people aware of the criticisms of the speaker by using simple presentation file and simple sentences. Due to the speech, I learned the importance of my job and also got some signs for developing my presentation skills. For example I do not use so dense presentation documents; I can use mostly my body language and my voice. In addition to this, I should develop some remarkable examples for making people imagined an abstract issue by using statistics with together life based examples.

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